Pet Resources
Bay Area Rescue Keeshonden organization handles rescues and adoptions in the Northern California area. Check out the BARK Website for further details on adoptions and rescues in the Bay Area.
Peak To Peak Keeshond Fanciers Rescue organization handles rescues and adoptions in the Colorado area. Check out PPKF Website for Keeshond adoption in the Colorado area.
Keeshond Club of Southern California (KCSC) participates in a number of Keeshond-related activities in the Southern California area. KCSC hosts, organizes, and staffs annual events including a regional Keeshond conformation and obedience specialty show, an AKC all-breed agility trial, and an annual clinic. Visit their website for more details., you can search adoptable pets, locate shelters and rescue groups currently caring for adoptable pets, browse their online resource library and learn more about how to care for your pet, post classified ads for lost or found pets, pets wanted, and pets needing homes, and even sign up to be a volunteer to help your local shelter or rescue group. Visit the Website for more details. is a free service that lets you search and see photos of pets by breed, age, size and color from thousands of purebred and mixed breed animals available for adoption in your area. lists the animals from public and private shelters. You can find dogs, cats, puppies, kittens and other animals as well to adopt.